Medica Kosova non-governmental organization (NGO)

EU representatives visiting Medica Kosova and meeting single mothers

EU representatives visiting Medica Kosova and meeting single mothers

Articles, Medica KosovaMarch 22,2016 2016-03-03 16:01:39
EU representatives visiting Medica Kosova and meeting single mothers

Mr.Dario Di Benedetto as a Task Manager of Social Development in cooperation section of EU Office and Ms.Nurten Demiri as Task Manager of the project "Strengthening the role of single mothers in influencing social and political life" visited Medica Kosova and met single mothers as beneficiaries of this project. 

14 single mothers and 5 non-single survivors of war violence shared their experiences of war and the challenges for supporting their families in the aftermath of war. All of the women reflected relevance of psycho-social support in overcoming the consequences of trauma and their needs for getting involved in income generating activities in the sector of agriculture.

The women shared their joy for being registered as an Association of Single Mothers and their expectations in developing programs for addressing their needs as single mothers and improving their status within families and communities. 

Medica Kosova non-governmental organization (NGO)