Medica Kosova non-governmental organization (NGO)

Medica Kosova is part of the training delivery on trauma sensitive approach during the status recognition of rape survivors

Medica Kosova is part of the training delivery on trauma sensitive approach during the status recognition of rape survivors

Articles, Medica KosovaMarch 22,2016 2017-09-17 12:18:24
Medica Kosova is part of the training delivery on trauma sensitive approach during the status recognition of rape survivors

Medica Kosova represented by trauma counsellor Mrs. Mandete Kurti, developed training on confidentiality and preliminary consent for the members of Governmental Commission, regional departments on war categories and authorized NGOs assigned to verify the status of the survivors of war rape in Kosovo.

Authorized by the Government of Kosovo to represent the survivors in the process, Medica Kosova delivered today a training session aiming at increasing awareness about relevance of confidentiality and trauma sensitive approach to be implemented during the process. Through delivered trainings the process of application is expected to facilitate the survivor’s access to the law 04-172 recognizing their status as civilian victims of war.

Medica Kosova non-governmental organization (NGO)